the POSH Guide

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Candi Sewu

Indonesia Yogyakarta SilentSunday

Candi Sewu is a charming Buddhist temple that's well over 1,200 years old. It's very close to the more well-known Prambanan complex in central Java, but seldom visited.

Carved gray statue of a stout man with a club. In the background are templa structures of the same stone.
One of the chubby stone guardians of Candi Sewu

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The Prambanan Complex just outside Yogykarta in central Java is less well-known than the nearby Borobodur Temple, but no less impressive. The towers of the central grouping of the Prambanan Complex

Lotus Lagoon

Candidasa, on Bali, was one of my favorite places on the island. It's developed with several small-ish hotels and lots of restaurants, but not over-run with tourists. This lagoon (a former bay now cut off from the sea) is at the center of the northern area of the town.

Birch Trail

One of my favorite close-in hikes in up Holman lane and down Birch Trail. You can extend it if you want with several different options to get back to your starting point. In late summer, the light in the afternoon is always very beautiful.

Mae Hong Son

Mae hong Son province in Thaiuland's far north is a unique destination. It was settled mostly by people from the Shan state so it retains a distinctly Burmese flavor. A pair of the city's oldest temples reflected in the lake between thunderstorms.

Beng Melea

The Angkor era template of Beng Melea is located 60 kilometers from the main complex near Seam Reap. It was barely cleared when I visited it in 2007. The way the tree roots are wrapped around the stones is almost sensuous.