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Posts labeled The POSH Guide to Laos

The Patouxai, Vietniane's triumphal arch.

Tiny Laos is a bit off the tourist trail. It gets just a trickle of visitors compared to its larger neighbors. With no beaches, some may think the landlocked country may not have much to offer. But years of relative isolation have left Laos with a great "inventory" of natural and historic sights. The infrastructure is still a bit basic at this point, but it is improving year by year. There's already a good selection of hotels and restaurants in the main tourist centers, and a national airline that's probably much better than its old reputation may lead you to think.

For now at least, the jewel in the crown is Luang Prabang, the ancient Lao capital, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tiny city has a wealth of ancient temples, standing side-by-side with colonial-era buildings, along with some very nice small hotels and restaurants.

Although it hasn't got much to wow you, the nation's capital of Vientiane is still worth a visit, with some interesting architecture and rather nice restaurants. Those looking to get truly off the tourist trail will want to check out the deep south, around the cities of Pakse and Champasak.

You will find a good selection of guidebooks for Laos at Amazon.

Southern Laos - Pakse and Champasak

Part of Vat Phou, a large Khmer temple near Champasak in southern Laos. Southern Laos could well be that long sought after ideal - a destination largely untouched by the vagaries of mass tourism. It is a nice and scenic area, and depending on your interests, there is a fair amount to see and do, although it may require a bit of 'roughing it' in less than POSH accommodations.

Vientiane Mini-Guide

The Patouxai, Vietniane's triumphal arch. Compared to its neighbors in the region, the Laotian capital is decidedly small and laid back. It isn't exactly in stasis, but the pace of growth is not quite the breakneck speed of Bangkok or Phnom Penh, for example.