the POSH Guide

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Spooky House

Madeira MadeiraAday Architecture

The area where I'm staying west of central Funchal is very new, full of modern hotels and apartment blocks. But, as in almost any neighborhood around the world, there's always that one house. This place is probably close to 100 years old. I noticed that the run-down building attached to it seems to be occupied, so I'm not sure the place is abandoned. It's just not well kept.

A concrete path up to a cracked stairway, which leads to a faded old house, mostly obscured by dead tree limbs.
An old house which may, or may not, be haunted

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Sunrise with Cruise Ship

Walked east instead of west this morning and caught the sun just above the horizon as a cruise ship was pulling into the harbor. When I was here in the spring, there was a cruise ship in town almost every day, but now that the season is winding down, it seems there's only one ship a week.

Camara de Lobos

The “traditional fishing village” of Camara de Lobos is just a three kilometer walk along an ocean path from the apartment where I'm staying. Since it is so close to Funchal, the place is a bit more touristy that they would have you believe, but it still retains a lot of charm, and with it so close it makes a good morning walk before I get online for work.

Boys Will Be Boys

It seems that every time I find myself along the ocean walk when the sun is out, I see people, mostly teenage boys, on the rocks below. They're usually practicing dives if they're not just sunning themselves. Today, I noticed several people (again, mostly boys) on these rock outcrops.


I'm seeing fewer cats on this trip, but that's probably because I'm staying in a newer area with a lot of hotels and fewer people inclined to feed strays. Today I climbed the hill near the apartment and found a lavada (irrigation weir) to walk along.

More Flowers

Spending another day close to the apartment, so thought I'd just round up some more flower photos from around town. There are still a lot of things in bloom here, while back home everything is turning brown. Morning Glory No idea what these are but they're a little freaky Frangipani Cape Daisies(?