the POSH Guide

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Boys Will Be Boys

Madeira MadeiraAday Islands

It seems that every time I find myself along the ocean walk when the sun is out, I see people, mostly teenage boys, on the rocks below. They're usually practicing dives if they're not just sunning themselves. Today, I noticed several people (again, mostly boys) on these rock outcrops. You can barely make them out in the photo, but there were half a dozen at least, and the only way I can see for them to get there is to climb over a fence and pick a way down the steep cliff.

Ocean coast view with rock outcrops. Some have people on them jumping into the water.
Looking east towards central Funchal

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Seems like hardly anything went to plan today, but it was all good in the end. Will retry a hike up in the hills tomorrow, but for today here's a photo from the oceanfront path that's just a block or so from my apartment.


I'm seeing fewer cats on this trip, but that's probably because I'm staying in a newer area with a lot of hotels and fewer people inclined to feed strays. Today I climbed the hill near the apartment and found a lavada (irrigation weir) to walk along.

More Flowers

Spending another day close to the apartment, so thought I'd just round up some more flower photos from around town. There are still a lot of things in bloom here, while back home everything is turning brown. Morning Glory No idea what these are but they're a little freaky Frangipani Cape Daisies(?

Ocean Walk

I decided to take a bit of a rest day with no big plans. Still, by early afternoon I wanted to stretch my legs so I went down to the nearby ocean walk along Formosa beach, which extends all the way to the little fishing village of Camara de Lobos, about three kilometers.

Levada Bridge

One of the top reasons I'm liking Madeira so much is that I can walk along the ocean one day and then hike up in the forests the next. All without a car or a long commute. I had planned on redoing this walk along the Levada dos Tournos today.