the POSH Guide

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Blog Posts for 2024

Hot Waterfall

The aptly named “Hot Waterfall” is one of the more unlikely attractions in southern Thailand's Krabi province. Water from a hot spring flows briefly through the jungle before flowing down a bank into a small river. Minerals (I'm guessing mostly copper from the color) have aggregated over many years to form deep pools good for soaking.

Beng Melea

The Angkor era template of Beng Melea is located 60 kilometers from the main complex near Seam Reap. It was barely cleared when I visited it in 2007. The way the tree roots are wrapped around the stones is almost sensuous.

Sanam Chan Palace

Just west of Bangkok in Nakohn Phathom is the rather whimsical Sanam Chan palace. Built in the early twentieth century, the palace has a very European layout but some buildings show more Thai incluence than others. This doorway is in the Vajariromaya Residence reception room.


This was one of my favorite tree photos, with the dense tangle of roots holding the stump in place on a steep bank. This tree is along a trail in Washington Park near the Redwood grove which has since been closed.

Bonaire Sunset

Bonaire has been one of my favorite dive destinations in the Caribbean. Like most of the Caribbean, it's suffering from severe bleaching. Sunset from Bonaire

Luang Prabang Colonial Buildings

Lunag Prabang in Laos has a rich history with a large number of restored colonial era buildings. Restored buildings along Luang Prabang's waterfront

Ayuthaya Flower

A throwback to my last visit to Ayuthaya, the old capital of Thailand, in 2010. I found this frangipani blossom just blooming, with an old pagoda in the background. Frangipani Blossom

Umbrella Falls

It's the time of year when I usually try to organize a hike to Umbrella Falls on Mt Hood. It's a nice hike across meadows that are ski slopes in winter, and if you're lucky there are ripe huckleberries to snack on along the way.

Malta Trail Bench

Malta is a great place for hiking. There are miles of trails, most of which afford beautiful views of blue bays below limestone cliffs. This sofa carved from the local stone was a bit of a surprise. It's near the north end of the island, not far from the “Red Fort.

Hotel Majapahit

The Hotel Majapahit in Surabaya is one of the less known classic hotels around Southeast Asia. It was built in 1910 by the the Sarkies Brothers, who built Raffles in Singapore and the Eastern & Oriental in Penang. The lobby building which has this window was built in 1930, which is why it reflects a heave art deco design.