the POSH Guide

the best of travel destinations and gear


Portland Hikes

This was one of my favorite tree photos, with the dense tangle of roots holding the stump in place on a steep bank. This tree is along a trail in Washington Park near the Redwood grove which has since been closed.

A tree with tangled roots holding on to a steep bank.
Tangled Roots

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Tiger Lilies

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Umbrella Falls

It's the time of year when I usually try to organize a hike to Umbrella Falls on Mt Hood. It's a nice hike across meadows that are ski slopes in winter, and if you're lucky there are ripe huckleberries to snack on along the way.
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Malta Trail Bench

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Portland Web Window

Portland is full of interesting architecture. There are beautiful structures from the last century, charming homes, and even asome quirky structures. On the quirky side is a brick house in the West Hills area with a roof meant to resemble thatch and leaded glass windows with spider web patters.