the POSH Guide

the best of travel destinations and gear

Vimanmek Mansion

Vinamek Mansion in Bangkok is a marvelous attraction that often gets only a quick visit, when it can be worth a whole day to see all the other palace buildings in the compound.

Shuttered windows and elegant details in teak.
One wing of Vimanmek Mansion

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Wat Si Chum

Little visited but much photographed, the small temple of Wat Si Chum in the ancient Siamese capital of Sukhothai contains the remains of a small chapel (mondop) that barely encloses a serenely seated Buddha image. View through the ruined prayer hall to the chapel.

Abandoned Building

Malta, 2023. The weathered doorway of a tumbling-down building near an old salt pan not far from St Paul's Bay. The door is still intact even though the walls are coming down.