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Posts labeled Bloomscrolling

More Flowers

Spending another day close to the apartment, so thought I'd just round up some more flower photos from around town. There are still a lot of things in bloom here, while back home everything is turning brown. Morning Glory No idea what these are but they're a little freaky Frangipani Cape Daisies(?


Today's highlight are these flowers on a big tree I passed walking into downtown Funchal. It must have been flowering for a while, since some of the flowers have turned into "fruit" the size of an olive. I believe these will grow to be about the size of a tennis ball, if I'm remembering correctly.

Flower & Bee

It's been a rather emphatic end of summer this Labor Day with drizzle a good part of the day. I did take a short walk thorugh Washington Park and found these pretty trumpet shapped blossoms near the Rose Garden, along with one bee still working hard.

Ayuthaya Flower

A throwback to my last visit to Ayuthaya, the old capital of Thailand, in 2010. I found this frangipani blossom just blooming, with an old pagoda in the background. Frangipani Blossom

Malta Morning Glories

In late April and May, the countrysize of Malta is covered with numerous varieties of flowers such as poppies, morning glories and capers. The morning glories come in many bright shades from blue to purple. Brilliant purple morning glory flowers.

Lotus Lagoon

Candidasa, on Bali, was one of my favorite places on the island. It's developed with several small-ish hotels and lots of restaurants, but not over-run with tourists. This lagoon (a former bay now cut off from the sea) is at the center of the northern area of the town.

Tiger Lilies

Among all the flowers one encounters along the trails this time of year, Tiger Lilies are my favorite. A stem full of tiger lilies.

Wildflower Along BPA Road

Every year in late June to early July, BPA Road in Portland's Forest Park is lined with wildflowers. Most of them are quite common, such as daisies and lupin, but the profusion is quite pretty. A pretty pink flower.

Caper Blossom

I became rather enamored of capers when I was in Malta in 2023. They were in full bloom everywhere and appeared startlingly other-worldly. A caper close-up.

Lotus Flower

From the archives: Lotus flower in the lagoon at Candidasa, Bali, around 2010. Freshly bloomed lotus flower.