the POSH Guide

the best of travel destinations and gear


Kampot River View

Kampot, Cambodia, around 2010. The lazy Kampot River reflecting the hills and sky.

Off the Beaten Track Destinations in Southeast Asia

While pundits continue to argue about what the extended travel bans mean in the long term for tourism, I believe it's safe to say that most destinations that were popular before the pandemic will, eventually, be popular again. That may leave some of you in a bit of a quandry: Do you really want to go where there are a lot of people, and therefore a higher risk?

The POSH Mini-Guide to Kampot and Kep

The wide lazy river flowing past Kampot The rather sleepy old port of Kampot and its neighbor Kep don't seem to have caught on with the tourists, which is just as well. A big part of the charm of these two towns is that they're quiet and still relatively unspoiled by the vagaries of mass tourism.