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Posts labeled MadeiraAday

Levada Bridge

One of the top reasons I'm liking Madeira so much is that I can walk along the ocean one day and then hike up in the forests the next. All without a car or a long commute. I had planned on redoing this walk along the Levada dos Tournos today.


Seems like hardly anything went to plan today, but it was all good in the end. Will retry a hike up in the hills tomorrow, but for today here's a photo from the oceanfront path that's just a block or so from my apartment.


Today's highlight are these flowers on a big tree I passed walking into downtown Funchal. It must have been flowering for a while, since some of the flowers have turned into "fruit" the size of an olive. I believe these will grow to be about the size of a tennis ball, if I'm remembering correctly.

Balcony View

I just arrived back in Madeira, so it's start of my new Madeira-a-day challenge. I'm going to post a picture every day I'm here, for the next 30 days before I leave. The first picture is easy. I just checked in to the apartment I'm renting and this is the view from the balcony off the bedroom.