the POSH Guide

the best of travel destinations and gear


Malta Trail Bench

Malta is a great place for hiking. There are miles of trails, most of which afford beautiful views of blue bays below limestone cliffs. This sofa carved from the local stone was a bit of a surprise. It's near the north end of the island, not far from the “Red Fort.

Malta Morning Glories

In late April and May, the countrysize of Malta is covered with numerous varieties of flowers such as poppies, morning glories and capers. The morning glories come in many bright shades from blue to purple. Brilliant purple morning glory flowers.

Caper Blossom

I became rather enamored of capers when I was in Malta in 2023. They were in full bloom everywhere and appeared startlingly other-worldly. A caper close-up.

Abandoned Building

Malta, 2023. The weathered doorway of a tumbling-down building near an old salt pan not far from St Paul's Bay. The door is still intact even though the walls are coming down.