the POSH Guide

the best of travel destinations and gear

Kuala Lumpur

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Kuala Lumpur Bird Park

The KL Bird Park claims to have the world's largest free-flight aviary. It's sort of like an open zoo. With a few exceptions, the birds aren't in cages and are free to fly about the large net 'tent'. You're then free to walk around among them and get as close as they will let you, which is often pretty close.
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Kuala Lumpur Hotels

There are several dozen very nice four and five star hotels to choose from in Kuala Lumpur. Except for the Carcosa Seri Negara, which is located in an old heritage mansion in the Lake District, most of the best hotels are in the city center.
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Quick Facts for Kuala Lumpur

The ultra-modern Petronas towers in the center of Kuala Lumpur This page provides a short run-down of information you'll want to know to plan your trip to Kuala Lumpur. For more details, the links will take you to my complete Kuala Lumpur travel guide at Asia for Visitors.
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the POSH Guide to Kuala Lumpur

The ultra-modern Petronas towers in the center of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia's capital has a bit of a reputation as a rather dull tourist destination. I can't say the reputation is entirely undeserved, but I have found that if you take the trouble to seek them out, there are some very interesting places to see and things to do around the City.