the POSH Guide

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Phnom Penh

Colonial Architecture of Southeast Asia

As a one-time architect, I have a deep interest in the built environment. While the colonial era — some might say “occupation” — when European powers held sway over much of Southeast Asia had a lot of negative aspects, the wedding-cake confections of the buildings it left behind are still fascinating, where they still exist.

Phnom Penh Shopping

The Central (French) Market in Phnom Penh Phnom Penh is a great place to shop, with options ranging from name brand clothing to art and antiques. There are a number of markets around town, but the two of most interest to tourists are the Central Market and the Russian Market.

Phnom Penh Travel Guide

The reviewing stand / dance pavillion of the Royal Palace of Phnom Penh Cambodia's capital retains much of its former colonial charm, with old houses along tree-lined boulevards. Although many people simply stop off in Phnom Penh on their way to Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, or even bypass it entirely for a direct flight to Angkor, to do so is to miss out on something special.